Are you being affected by gambling?
If you think gambling could be affecting you, the NHS has clinics specifically to help. They’re easy to access and confidential. The team will provide you with information and support at every step.
The NHS clinics are specialist services that provide therapy and recovery support to people affected by gambling addiction. Some, including the NHS Northern Gambling Service, also support those close to people with a gambling addiction, such as family, partners, and carers.
Help near me
NHS Northern Gambling Service
This Service provides specialist addiction therapy in the north of England, including Lancashire and Cumbria, Greater Manchester, Cheshire and Merseyside, the North East, Yorkshire and the Humber.
Find out about referrals and contact the Northern Gambling Service
Make a referral today... simply complete this short referral form
Or call the NHS Northern Gambling Services team (NHS Team) on 0300 300 1490. If you get through to voicemail, leave your name and phone number and someone will call you back.
NHS National Problem Gambling Clinic
The National Problem Gambling Clinic was the first specialist clinic in the UK to treat people for Gambling Disorder. It has gained an international profile through research, presentations at conferences and the provision of training for problem gambling services worldwide.
NHS Southern Gambling Service
This is a specialist service providing treatment to people experiencing problems with gambling.
Find out more about referrals on the Southern Gambling Service website
West Midlands Gambling Harm Clinic
This provides specialist addiction therapy for people who have problems with gambling.
Find out more on the West Midlands Gambling Harm Clinic website
The National Centre for Behavioural Addictions
If you live in England or Wales, are aged 13 or over and have complex problems related to gambling, you can refer yourself to the National Problem Gambling Clinic, which includes the Young Persons' Problem Gambling Clinic.
Find out more on the National Centre for Behavioural Addictions website