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Chapter One Need urgent help?

The aim of Chapter One is for a society that understands gambling harm and is united in stopping the causes and effects. Our work is shaped by experts, research and lived experience.

Chapter One logo

Why is this important?

  • Blue exclamation triangle icon

    The prevalence of gambling harms is high

    2.5% of the GB adult population experience "problem gambling", with many more adversely impacted.

  • Lightning symbol in map pin icon

    Anyone is at risk

    Gambling harms can happen to people from all walks of life - millions are already affected.

  • Red and orange heart icon

    The impact can be devastating

    This includes damage to lives, communities, mental and physical health, finances, relationships, education, and jobs. There's an estimated one gambling-related suicide every day.

About Chapter One

Chapter One was developed and piloted between 2022 and 2024 through a partnership between two organisations dedicated to reducing the harm gambling causes to society: Gambling with Lives and the Greater Manchester Combined Authority. Following a successful pilot, the programme is now run by GwL to serve people across across the UK.

Gambling with lives Greater Manchester Combined authority logo
I wish that someone had spoken to me and put out a helping hand to say it will be ok. Education and reassurance are so important and the need to make gambling harms normal is the key.
David, lived experience of gambling harms

We are committed to our mission: ‘to reducing the harm caused by gambling’ through:

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Better access to evidence-based treatment for everyone who needs it

Why? Not enough people get the help they need

Only 1 in 200 people experiencing gambling harms who would benefit from help are currently accessing treatment.  It’s not easy for people to find information about what help is available and how to access it.

Three characters, cream, blue and red illustration

Information and education for the public

Why? People have not been made aware that:

  • The narrative is controlled by the gambling industry, which points the finger at individuals rather than its own products as the cause of harm.

  • Some forms of gambling bring a high risk of harm. They are designed by the gambling industry to be addictive.

  • There are things they can do if they are worried about themselves or someone else.

  • They are not alone. There's support from a community of people affected by gambling and in recovery. Treatment that works is available on the NHS, delivered by a team of experts, which can be accessed directly and easily.

Find Out More
Three characters illustration - red, cream and orange

Evidence-based information, training and tools for healthcare professionals and all professions in contact with those affected by gambling.

Why? Key information has not been easily accessible so professionals are not fully informed:

  • That gambling addiction is a clinically recognised psychiatric condition or that gambling can affect many parts of a person’s life.

  • Of symptoms to look for

  • Of questions to ask and how to have a conversation with those affected.

  • That they can refer people to evidence-based treatment easily and quickly through NHS gambling clinics.

We are committed to changing this.