Gambling harms happen to you. They are not your fault.
Any level of exposure to gambling can make you vulnerable to harm, and it might not immediately feel connected to gambling. The gambling industry has designed products that make you want to gamble and keep you gambling even when it is bad for you.
There are many impacts
Knowing what to look for can be a helpful first step to identify gambling harms:
Not sleeping, feeling constantly restless
Feeling anxious a lot of the time
Not being able to take pleasure in ordinary things
Feeling stressed, irritable or angry about other people’s opinions
Not being able to stop gambling or thinking about gambling, despite wanting to
Feeling disconnected from people and situations
Not able to pay attention to people you care about
Feeling generally depressed
Constantly needing to check devices
Worrying about money and/or debt
Feeling suicidal or thinking about being absent from the world